March 2015 archive

The Ist Year: The Cost Of Having A Baby



Having a baby is no walk in the park, figuratively and literally! It’s no secret that having a baby in this day and age is not cheap and it’s pretty easy to get flustered and get carried away with spending more than you need if you do not budget well.


5 Mistakes Moms Make When Buying A Nursing Bra


When you are expecting, your boobs grow massively in size. Well, that is because your body is preparing your body for milk, your babies number source of food. After the baby comes, you will find that finding a nursing bra can be sometimes challenging because after all, everything, including your bra size might be a bit bigger or smaller, depending on your body. Wearing the wrong nursing bra can lead to blocked breast ducts and back pain. So, as a breastfeeding mom, how do you find the right nursing bra in the correct size without a hitch?

Here are 5 five common mistakes most nursing moms make when buying a nursing bra.


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