Archive of ‘News’ category
Hej Sverige! – Sexy Nursing & Maternity Lingerie Has Landed in Sweden!
No….that’s not a typo. What you have astutely noticed is that the title of my blog today is in Swedish! “Hej Sverige” means “Hello, Sweden”. We are soooo excited to announce that we have a new You! Lingerie retailer in Sweden, GlamMom
GlamMom is a newly launched retail site focused on providing new moms & moms-to-be with glamorous and beautiful nursing lingerie and other products. It was launched by two fabulous ladies, Vanja and Malin.
Watch out Sweden, there are going to be a lot of happy Swedish moms out there thanks the GlamMom!!!
To see more our retailers. Please check out our You! Lingerie retailer page.
2011 – The Year of You!
Happy New Year to You and You and You!!!
I hope you all had a fantastic holiday and celebrated the New Year in style! I did. It’s always nice to have lots of family around – it makes the holidays extra special.
We ended 2010 with a bang – thanks to all of you! And now we are looking forward to an even better year in 2011. We have put together a fabulous plan to take You! Lingerie to the next level. And I am SUPER excited about it. Whoot Whoot!!!
![Happy New Year Fireworks](
You! Lingerie wishes YOU a fabulous New Year!!!
Our New Year’s resolution at You! Lingerie is to makeover even more pregnant and breastfeeding mommies…transforming their underwear drawer from drab to fab with sexy nursing lingerie.
What’s your New Year’s resolution?
Viva Las Vegas – Launching You! Lingerie at the ABC Kids Expo
So it’s been a really long while since I have written a blog entry. Mainly because during these last few months, I spent countless hours prepping for our launch at the ABC Kids Expo in Las Vegas on 10/10/10. And boy, what a ride it has been!!!
The night before leaving for Vegas was SOOOO hectic. My husband, sister and I pulled an all nighter just to make sure everything was in order. But as we headed to the airport, I was too excited to feel tired, go figure. Haha!
After a tearful goodbye to my daughter and husband, we rushed to our flight and what I thought would be a restful 5-hr flight was just more time fretting over all the details! Did all of our show displays and mannequins arrive in one piece? Was the UPS guy going to deliver our show sale samples and packaging on time? Did we have all the correct sizes for the fashion show models? Will buyers like us and our products? A million and one questions kept me up most of the plane ride to Vegas!
To be honest, from landing in Vegas to our return flight back to Atlanta was a blur. But a REALLY REALLY good blur – I am still pinching myself to make sure it’s all REAL. We got such an amazing response at the show from buyers and even other exhibitors, it was truly an honor! We have secured retail distribution at over 15 stores across the US and Europe.
- Our FAB booth at the ABC Kids Expo, Las Vegas
- Our FAB products on the mannequins:)
- You! Lingerie fashion show – model wearing Azalea Orchid
I will share more of my experiences at the show, but one of the biggest highlights was our first wholesale purchase. Erin & Michael Pelias, owners of Zuka Baby in New Orleans, were the first to purchase You! Lingerie. YAY!!! Below is a picture of me with them! If you live near NO or are ever in town, check them out,
- You! Lingerie’s FIRST retailer, Zuka Baby in New Orleans…Whoot Whoot!!!
- You! Lingerie model, Alyssa rocking the fierce preggo pose in Ella Rose!
A special thanks to all those who helped me prepare and do so well at the show. Thanks to my hubs for all his love, support and being Mr. Mom for four whole days. Muaaah!!! A big thanks to my baby sister Ekibo and friends Jenise & Laura for being the BESTEST You! Lingerie Reps EVER. I love you gals and could not have done it without you!!! Additionally, I’d like to give a shout out to our model Alyssa for representing all the fierce preggo mamas, you rocked it! And lastly, hugs and kisses to the many amazing exhibitors/new friends that we made (you know who you are :-)) while at the show!